I am addicted to all things smelly. (good smelly, that is) Whether its soaps, lotions, candles, body sprays.......I love them all. I have found ways to make the majority of these products on my own that are all natural or as close to natural as I can. The fewer the ingredients the better.
And I have a confession. I am a hoarder.....of said smelly things and the ingredients that make them. And it all started with a simple wax tart. You know, the ones you buy at specialty stores for about $2 a pop? Or $5 for a clam shell? Well, you CAN make them cheaper at home and get just as much joy out of them. They make great gifts too.
Recipe: Soy wax (natural and sustainable)
I choose not to use any artificial coloring but you can.
Ratio: 1oz of fragrance oil per pound of wax.
Directions: Melt wax. This can be done in the microwave. Check the flash point for your fragrance. It should be listed on the bottle. This point is where the fragrance will start to burn off. When you add your fragrance oil to the wax, make sure the temperature is BELOW the flash point. Stir ingredients together. Pour into silicone mold and pop out once solid to be used at any time.

I love love love my scented tart waxes, never new they were so easy to make , thanks for sharing, and for the great giveaway have a wonderfull weekend xoxoElle @sweetpeaschicnshabbies. blogspot.com