Sharing my passion for Soaps, Salts, and other Scented Splurges for you and your home.

Soapmaking Charities

I LOVE making soap!  I mean, I LOOOOOVE it!  I don't really care if its glycerin or cold process, I have a blast making them all and seeing what new scents/colors/combinations I can come up with.  There is a slight downside to that though, especially if you are a hobby soap-er like myself:  too much soap!  I have soap up to my eyeballs, literally.  I have an entire cabinet full of the stuff.  While I like doing giveaways (there will be one coming soon) and I certainly enjoy giving my soap as gifts to friends and family, I can't possibly use it up as fast as I can make it.  So, I am always looking for new ways to bless others with some handmade creations ala me.  

Clean the world

From nature with love

I have found two organizations that welcome your soap donations.  The weblinks are above.  Clean the world gives internationally and From nature with love remains in the U.S. and benefits victims of domestic violence living in shelters.  Both are worthy causes of your time and talents.  I pray that you find it in your heart to give to one of these organizations.  At the very least, please check out their websites to get a better understanding of what they are all about.  You will be blessed in the process.

Do you know of any other charities that accept soap donations?  I would love it if you would post them here.  I am always looking for new and creative ways to give.

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